As a user of the Fife College Network, you must adhere to certain rules which are outlined in the ICT Acceptable Use Policy which governs the use of networks via the College website as well as from the library at each main campus.Use of College Networks and Resources

Acceptance and activation of your network account implies acceptance of the ICT Acceptable Use Policy. Failure to adhere to this policy means that you can be subject to disciplinary action.

When you sign your SR1 and become a student you are agreeing that you will use the Internet and email system appropriately and will not transmit, download, forward, retrieve or store any communications, which are:

  • discriminatory or of a harassing nature
  • insulting or offensive to any group or individual
  • obscene or pornographic this includes images of nudes or sexual acts
  • abusive, worrying, annoying or threatening to others
  • chain letters
  • designed to hack into other systems
  • illegal or against College policy (see full policy in the College Libraries/Learning Centres)

Please remember that legal action can be taken against you and the College if you send emails that are:

  • against the law of slander and libel
  • abusive i.e. with a lowering effect on any person, or the organisation to which they belong
  • breaching copyright of published material or work written by others without their consent

And remember, you are also subject to the provisions of a number of legal acts including: the Computer Misuse Act 1990, the Data Protection Act 1988 and the Copyright, Designs & Patents Act 1988, The Telecommunications Act, the Obscene Publications Act and the Protection of Children Act.