Power BI Desktop is part of the suite of tools from Microsoft which enable data to be analysed and published from a variety of sources. With Power BI Desktop, you get a report authoring tool that enables you to connect to and query data from different sources using the Query Editor. From the datasets you build with Query Editor you can create Reports and Visualisations or dashboards within Power BI Desktop. Reports can then be published.

This course covers the use of Power BI Desktop to connect to data, create Visualisations, query the data and publish reports. This course is designed to help you adapt to the demands of increasingly digitalised, automated and data-driven workplaces and is supported by Data Skills for Work at The Data Lab through the Edinburgh Cities Deal Digital Skills Project, funded by the Scottish Government.

  • Power BI Desktop concepts and main features
  • Data Sources compatible with Power BI Desktop
  • Connecting to data with Power BI Desktop
  • Explore data visualisations
  • Apply common query tasks to shape data in Power BI Desktop
  • Create and publish reports

Existing users of Excel with an understanding of database features.

Priority will be given to people who also belong to one or more of the groups identified below:

  • Women
  • People with a disability
  • People from ethnic minority backgrounds or
  • Neuro-divergent individuals

This 2-day Introduction to Power BI is free of charge to those who live or work in the Edinburgh Cities Region, not currently in training or education.

The Edinburgh Cities Region consists of the following areas:

  • Fife
  • Edinburgh
  • East and West Lothian
  • Scottish Borders
  • Further education courses, Intermediate Power BI and Data Science courses.
  • 2 days at Carnegie Conference Centre, Dunfermline
  • 23 and 24 September 2024 (9.30-4.30pm)
  • Lunch and refreshments will be provided