Fife College is committed to providing educational paths that meet our students' individual career aspirations. We’re highlighting the journey of Aimee Smith, showcasing the varied paths you can take towards a successful and rewarding career.

Aimee's progression from high school, through a Modern Apprenticeship, and then gaining recognised qualifications in Human Resource Management, underlines this commitment.

Since school, Aimee has been interested in business, achieving three Highers in related subjects at high school. Then, when faced with the choice between university and vocational training, she opted for a path within the latter, starting a Modern Apprenticeship in Business Administration at Fife College. This led her to a role as a Human Resources Administrator with Semefab, a semiconductor manufacturer in Glenrothes.

“I enjoyed studying business at school and had offers from several universities, but I was reluctant to dive in and commit to a 4-year degree. Working and pursuing vocational qualifications via the Modern Apprenticeship was a great experience for me.

“While working in the Human Resources department, I performed a wide range of tasks. It was really practical and relevant learning, and the experience convinced me that HR was the career path for me.”

In her position at Semefab, Aimee was able to learn on the job while earning her Level 2 and Level 3 SVQs in Business Administration:

"Working while pursuing vocational qualifications via the Modern Apprenticeship was a great experience for me. I received very helpful support and guidance from my Fife College assessor and Semefab was also very supportive, helping me to grow.”

Building on her practical experience, Aimee deepened her understanding of human resources, pursuing further qualifications with the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development (CIPD). She completed the CIPD Level 3 Foundation Certificate in People Practice and later the CIPD Level 5 Associate Diploma in People Management, both through Fife College.

The part-time structure of these courses allowed her to continue working while studying:

"The CIPD qualifications are important for a career in HR, and studying part-time helped me balance work and learning."


Academic and Quality Manager for Commercial, VQ, MA, & SCP at Fife College, Emma Smith has overseen the progression of many students. Reflecting on how the College has tailored future course composition following valuable feedback, and the role students have in this, Emma said:

“We take all feedback seriously across our entire portfolio, the feedback and discussions with Aimee and her classmates was pivotal in supporting the change of delivery model, format, and duration of the course.

“Our professional qualifications are designed to allow everyone the opportunity to grow their skills, knowledge, confidence and to do so while progressing in their chosen field.

“We offer a wide range of training, development, and qualifications that are frequently evaluated to ensure our learners are part of the discussion in shaping both their future and the future of our courses, which allows us to tailor our offerings to individual organisations and individuals to best suit their needs.”

Aimee has recently started a new role as HR Supporter with global manufacturer Velux, who employ around 11,000 people worldwide. Here, she’s enjoying the opportunity to challenge herself to apply her skills on a larger scale.

Aimee's journey highlights Fife College's commitment to providing flexible and relevant vocational training. Starting as a Modern Apprentice from school and rising to become an HR professional in a global company, Aimee’s experience shows the real benefits of vocational education tailored to individual career paths.